Day 4 of the 19th PROVINZIALE
Six films comprised the first block of yesterday evening, musically framed by the Rotatonics and carefully introduced by Kathrin Welke. In the second block, we showed the long documentary “Auf eine Tasse Kaffee mit der Stasi” (For a cup of coffee with the Stasi) by Johanna Pohland, which met with lively audience interest, perhaps because of its regional anchoring (the film was made in Frankfurt/Oder). Johanna herself was on site and introduced the film. In the festival shed, she was joined by filmmakers Chivas DeVinck (USA), Julie N. van Qui (France) and Frank Matter (Switzerland) for a conversation about the possibilities of documentary film in times of social confusion. Charlotte Ahlgrimm juggled us through three languages, allowing the filmmakers to reflect wisely on their relationships with the protagonists of their films as well as with the audience.
Impressions Day 4