Call for entries 2023

For the 20th PROVINZIALE, we invite filmmakers from everywhere,

from now on, until 15 May 2023,

to submit their work to our festival. We are looking for films that respond to our programmatic line of relating to people‘s environments, addressing the use of resources and telling stories of coming and going, staying and shaping one‘s surroundings. Landscapes, regions and places should be seen as players in the game of human life.

A selection team of fourteen will review your submissions, assess their suitability under our guidelines and compile a festival programme for the following international competitions:

Short Documentary (up to 45 min)

Short Feature Film (up to 30 min)

Animated Film (up to 30 min)

Our fourth competition will be held in the category of

Long Documentary (longer than 45 min)

and will include only submissions invited by our team. Speculative applications must be accompanied by an exposé sent via email to doc.submission@provinziale.de by 15 April.

For the first time, there will be two audience awards in each of the four competitions, totalling €10,000 in prize money.

In addition, our selection team will nominate four to eight candidates from all categories for the special jury award DER STACHEL. The award is targeted at the most interesting cinematic discussion of sustainability and includes a monetary reward of €2,000, donated by Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and the Kreiswerke Barnim utility company.

Click here for online – submission.

Click here for our regularies.